Laser output coupler
A laser output coupler is a semi-transparent dielectric mirror used in a laser cavity. It has the function of transmitting part of the circulating intracavity optical power.
A spatially constant reflection/transmission (R/T) value is the main property of a partially reflecting mirror in a stable resonator in Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, Ti:Sapphire, and other lasers. Some laser cavity parameters, such as pump power, maximum output power, and laser efficiency, depend highly on the R/T value of the output coupler.
We have a wide variety of shapes of output couplers, and these can be customized according to your needs: concave semi-transparent mirrors can help to maintain TEM00 spatial mode within a resonator, while wedged ones deflect Fresnel reflections and prevent secondary pulse creation and amplification.
We have a team of experienced coating engineers and extensive metrology capabilities for designing and measuring products to meet your requirements. We focus on having a well-defined production process, high-quality parts and test reports, so you can get more than expected.
Contact us to tell us about the challenges you are facing: [email protected]