Combining various coating technologies with deep
knowledge in laser-accessory manufacturing
At Altechna, we combine a variety of coating technologies (including ion beam and magnetron sputtering, and electron-beam evaporation w/ or w/o ion-assistance) with deep knowledge in laser-accessory manufacturing to provide customer-tailored solutions for the semiconductor and display laser processing applications.
We focus on various types of optical components at a wavelength range of 213 to 2000 nm required for laser beam delivery, from low-absorption AR coated elements for high power lasers to custom-shaped optics with complex coatings.
Typical laser accessories include motorized, as well as manual beam expanders, and high-precision attenuators for Nd and Yb doped laser harmonics. In addition to already developed laser optics and accessories, our skilled engineers are open to custom challenges brought by customers.
- 19.60 J/cm² @ 355 nm, 5.2 ns, 100 Hz, AR coatings
- 0.65 J/cm² @ 343 nm, 1 ps, 200 kHZ, HR coatings
- 0.052 J/cm² @ 343 nm, 190.6 fs, 50 kHz, WS coatings
- Whitepaper: Next-Generation UV Mirrors
coating run)
Curious to find out more? Contact us directly.